About Us


 I'm a 40 year old mom of two young boys based in DC.  As an everything Goddess aficionado, I am deeply attracted to Goddess gatherings, women empowerment events and anything that uplifts women.  Over the years, a few Goddess adornment pieces have caught my eye and I've taken the time to curate only the highest quality, most unique and beautiful pieces from all around the world - from Brazil, Thailand, India, Mexico, Kenya, Nigeria and beyond.  

Our bodies are like a temple and therefore should be treated with care and respect.  Part of that care is sacred adornment of our temple body.  I collect anything that moves my spirit and that I connect to that can be used to adorn your temple body with.   Playing around with various pieces from all over the world has brought me great joy, renewal of spirit and re-connection to myself.  Now, I've curated special pieces that will uplift your soul, bring joy to your spirit and enable you connect with the authentic Goddess that lives within you. 

Step into the Temple and peruse my unique adornments.  If you see something that moves your soul and stirs your spirit, it is meant to be yours.  


Love & Light,


Che the Goddess  a.k.a. The King's Daughter